Make the most of your screen space with MINUUM, the little keyboard for big fingers!Minuum takes up less than half the screen space of regular keyboards while still allowing you to type delightfully fast and surprisingly sloppy—all thanks to magical auto-correction. Spend 15 seconds with the introductory tutorial and you'll be able to start typing with Minuum—instantly. The more you type, the better Minuum gets. Try it now.
SIMPLIFIED TYPINGMost virtual keyboards take an approach similar to cramming a full typewriter into a touchscreen device. Resulting keyboard apps cover up half the usable touchscreen space (or more), obstructing your content. Minuum gives you back your screen space by minimizing the keyboard.
NEW EMOJI PANELMinuum provides exciting new ways to enjoy your screen space through the “always-open” emoji panel option. This lets you effortlessly add fun and playful emoticons to all your messages--including Snapchat.
MULTI-LANGUAGE CAPABILITYDownload different language modules and switch between them. We’d love to hear your feedback on the quality of our dictionaries as we beta test new languages. We currently support:
• English
• Spanish (beta)
• French (beta)
• German (beta)
• Italian (beta)
HOW MINUUM WORKSMinuum re-imagines the keyboard by reducing a standard layout to a single line – a continuum of letters – letting you type quickly and accurately without needing large keys. We enable this by auto-correction algorithms that allow highly imprecise typing, knowing what you mean even if you miss every single letter.
DISCOVER MOREThe Minuum keyboard for touchscreens is the first step toward a "type anywhere" future. Minuum will soon let you type using devices like smart watches, google glass, and more devices of minimum size. By supporting this app, you help enable that vision. For videos and more information on Minuum’s wearable technology solutions, visit
http://www.minuum.comFEATURES AT A GLANCE♦
MORE SCREEN SPACERecover more than half of the touchscreen space you lose when using traditional virtual keyboards.
FAST SLOPPY TYPINGType fast without worrying about precision, thanks to ridiculously smart auto-correction that learns as you type.
HELP FOR THE LARGE-FINGEREDUse key magnification for precise letter, number, and punctuation entry—very useful if you have large fingers.
FAMILIAR KEYBOARD LAYOUTYou already know how to type with Minuum—it’s just your familiar layout, minimized.
DIFFERENT ALPHABET ARRANGEMENTSChoose from alternate keyboard layouts—such as “QWERTZ,” “AZERTY,” “A-Z.”
EXPANSION TO FULL-SIZED KEYBOARDPress with two fingers on the keyboard to quickly switch between mini and full-size modes (useful for URLs and passwords).
SMART WORD PREDICTIONSpeed up your typing via suggestions from a predictive engine that learns from your word list, word combinations, and language use patterns.
VOCABULARY CONTROLMinuum learns from your vocabulary, and lets you delete words from your dictionary though a pop-up display.
RAPID GESTURE SHORTCUTSSlide your fingers to the corners for quick, convenient access to all your features via pop-up keys.
VOICE TYPINGEnter text hands-free via Google Voice Typing for voice-to-text typing when performing other activities.
SUPPORTVisit to:
• Share ideas with the Minuum community
• Give product feedback
• Get help
PRIVACYWe respect your privacy. The Minuum keyboard stores data about your typing tendencies on your device. We do not collect this information remotely and will not do so without first asking you. Please consult our privacy policy at OUR NAMESome people call us “Minum” or the “Minimum” keyboard but an easy way to remember “Minuum” is to think of a continuum of letters taking up minimal space.